Led by: First Nations Guides
A full day snorkelling cruise to the Great Barrier Reef exploring two outer reef sites andgaining a deeper cultural understanding of the diverse ecosystem and the indigenousheritage. The cruise includes a buffet lunch, guided snorkelling and talks by marine
see HOmeland Spirit packagesLed by: First Nations Guides
A full day snorkelling cruise to the Great Barrier Reef exploring two outer reef sites andgaining a deeper cultural understanding of the diverse ecosystem and the indigenousheritage. The cruise includes a buffet lunch, guided snorkelling and talks by marine
Led by: First Nations Guides
Groups will depart from Cairns on a 45 minute cruise to Fitzroy Island.
The day tour includes snorkelling the reefs and a visit the Cairns Turtle
Rehabilitation Centre on the island which is a volunteer operated, nonprofit organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation of injured or sick
turtles before they are released back into the ocean.
First Nations Owned, Led by Red Earth
Participants will be shuttled to Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre.
The centre provides a range of guided walks through the rainforest, visitor information services, showcases the art and craft of the local
Kuku Yalanji community in the on-site art gallery and retail store and facilitates shuttle bus transport to the Gorge.
First Nations Led & Owned
The GudjuGudju Boori Guman Story Trail is a four-hour bushwalking experience from Lake Morris to Crystal Cascades. Participants will hear
stories, swim in the waterfalls and go bushwalking.
The tours are operated by AppOriginee, a 100% Indigenous owned and managed enterprise.
First Nations Owned, Led by Red Earth
Participants will be shuttled to Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre.
The centre provides a range of guided walks through the rainforest, visitor information services, showcases the art and craft of the local
Kuku Yalanji community in the on-site art gallery and retail store and facilitates shuttle bus transport to the Gorge.
Led by: First Nations Guides
Groups will depart from Cairns on a 45 minute cruise to Fitzroy Island.
The day tour includes snorkelling the reefs and a visit the Cairns Turtle
Rehabilitation Centre on the island which is a volunteer operated, nonprofit organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation of injured or sick
turtles before they are released back into the ocean.
Led by: First Nations Guides
A full day snorkelling cruise to the Great Barrier Reef exploring two outer reef sites andgaining a deeper cultural understanding of the diverse ecosystem and the indigenousheritage. The cruise includes a buffet lunch, guided snorkelling and talks by marine
First Nations Owned, Led by Red Earth
Participants will be shuttled to Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre.
The centre provides a range of guided walks through the rainforest, visitor information services, showcases the art and craft of the local
Kuku Yalanji community in the on-site art gallery and retail store and facilitates shuttle bus transport to the Gorge.